
Correlating New Assignments to Report card _ Adding _ deleting students

Page history last edited by Ms. G. Roth 12 years ago

Correlating New Assignments to Report card

  1. Click new assignment

  2. Fill in Assignment Name

  3. Date is pre-populated with the date you create the assignment

*This can be changed. Use drop down arrow

4. Assignment category

a. normal

b. extra credit

c. not for grading

*These are your options. It is set to normal. To change just click on

arrow for drop down menu

  1. Type- select homework, quiz, class assignment, project or test

  2. Subject- This should be done for you in breakout classes (grey)

  3. Overall grade should be selected ( default setting)

  4. Score Type: Should be raw score

  5. Max points (Should match points)

  6. Points (should match max points)

10.Report card correlations

a. Scroll to correct subject area

b. check the box for overall score

c. check any descriptor that the assignment correlates to.

*You need only check the box in the column that has Westwood & your student #





Adding/ Deleting Students from a class

  1. Go to grade book main screen

  2. Click on grade book top located at top of screen

  3. A drop down menu will appear. Select class manager

  4. At the top left hand portion of the screen select the class you want to add a student to.

  5. In the middle of the screen you will see tabs labeled:

Assignment Weighting, staff, students, class resources

*Select the students tab

  1. You will see a list of all available students on the left hand side of the screen and the a list of students currently in your class on the right hand side of the screen

  2. To add a student choose from the list on the left. Click the + surrounded by a circle to add the student to your class.

  3. To delete a student choose from the list on the right. Click the - surrounded by a circle to delete the student to your class.








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