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What's Happening

Page history last edited by Ms. G. Roth 16 years ago


What  Exciting Things Happened at McMonagle in 2008?





 Reading Month Fun


Students at McMonagle read over 5,000 books in the month of March. Because of their success, one student from each class got to pour mud over Mrs. Stevens.




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Basketball Game


5th Grade boys played Teachers in a no holds barred basketball game. At the end of a tough fought game, the 5th grade boys won.







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Character Read-In


On March 20, 2008, books came to life at McMonagle. Adults dressed up as characters from children's books and read the books to children in all the classes.





       Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping                                                50 Below Zero





              Bear Snores On                                                    Just Go to Bed





          The Very Lonely Firefly                                                     Froggy Goes to Bed




              The Napping House                                                  Where the Wild Things Are



Middle/High School Band Perform at McMonagle











Enjoy this slide show of pictures from the Shrine circus.



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